
Showing posts from December, 2020

What’s Been Happening.

  It’s been some time since I have written a blog.  I seemed to have gotten caught up with the whirlwind of research and writing up module 2. I have really enjoyed this module and the information and data I am collecting and I am only just scratching the surface.  I found that through reading and analysing texts that others have written. I found myself questioning my practice more than ever and feel I have learnt from it. My reflection journal which started off more as bullet points of things happening that I wanted to look back on, has turned into a diary my thought processes around my practice and questions upon question of protocol and ethic topics of discussion that I encounter every day both in work and life. With how much it has benefited me I hope to carry it on pass this course.  Even though I have really enjoyed the research side of this module. I did find getting it down on paper extremely difficult. I found that I had so much information and topic points of discussions. I di