Discussion group 17/02
Creativity and Data Sources. Tonight's zoom call was an interesting discussion to a view from all modules and everyone's inside thoughts of where they are up to with understanding their practice. One of the first discussion points that came up was, areas of learning. It was nice to think back and to see how far I have come throughout studying this course. When I first started this course I remember not understanding what my areas of learning was or how to even start unpicking them. The key way I did this was looking at my transferable skills and where I can take my creativity and performing arts skills into other areas of work, which could and would broaden my practice in the future. Other comments that students made about this was, thinking about what your practice has taught you. Thinking of significant moments within your practice that has influenced you. This was an amazing one for me and I was even unaware of it happening. I possibly wouldn't of realised it either...