A Dancers Bubble

As someone who plans everything you would think that being a dancer is the last profession I would want to be doing, and honestly, I get stressed about the what if and when is daily. The biggest one at the moment is what happens next...
Iv been incredibly lucky and have worked continuously since I graduated from dance college. With small breaks here and there to catch up with friends and family, and I have loved every second of how my career is planning out for me. Along with the things I have seen and experienced. But right now, coming to the end of a short contract in Mexico, the anxiety, of not knowing what I am going to be doing in the next months is starting to take over my everyday thinking. 

Everyone says to me “don’t worry you’ll easily be able to get a job” or “so where you off to next”. Little do they know how difficult it actually is!  

 I feel like mental health along with anxiety is talked about so much more now, than in previous years. For dancers I think this is amazing, I personally tend to hide behind my performing self and take every knock back from jobs with a pinch of salt. But in reality, within a day to day normal life this would not happen. I have realised this and this next year or so I hope to develop ways to deal with this in a better way than hiding and ignoring it so that my mental health stays positive.  

I hope that this blog will be a part of this as I will be able so share and hear other people's experience with this to prove to myself and other people that we are not alone in the way we think, that knock backs are part of this amazing career we have decided to take, these set back are what makes me the stronger person and gives me the urge to stride and achieve in this industry. And that the fear of the unknown is completely normal in this weird and wonderful world of performing arts. 

Magazine article explaining how and why dancers get mental health, explain what we go through

an article where well known professional dancers have opened up about mental health, showing to me that even though it still have a long way to go its slowly is getting better. 

Photo of the amazing contract and girls here in Mexico!


  1. Hi Hannah,
    This is a great post and so important to talk about. I think its a common misconception that performers and dancers are always confident and out-going. With the training we've had I believe it is very easy for us to hide behind a mask of how everyone expects us to be, which often doesn't show the stresses and anxieties we face on a day to day basis. People who haven't worked in the arts rarely understand the kind of pressure we are under as it is so different from other jobs. It is great that people have started to open up about it and so we can all learn from everyone else's experiences. Hopefully this will mean some positive change in the future!
    Thank you


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