Critical Reflection and Ethnics - Skype Discussion 30th April

Through this skype discussing critical reflection and ethics I have now an understanding that it is a very important part of the BAPP course. 
Critical reflection is your own personal understanding of the specific situation of what is happening and how and why you respond in that current way, from experiences you have personally undertook in your practise and yourself as a practitioner.

I really enjoyed this discussion as it gave me more of a insight of why and what I am doing in module one. Plus what I had to come in the course helping me understand a outcome. Giving me a chance to reflect on my work further. It also reassured me that even though at this current moment I almost felt frightened of not knowing what is to come that it is completely normal at this point in the course and that at throughout module 2 everything will start linking together, information given to me from the girls in the other two modules.

In the discussion we talked about how we personally are effected ethnically and how we portray  ethics to others and how these are both linked. examples that we came across in this are; comments or actions that we had portrayed to us while in training we said we would never do to our students because we can relate how it felt and the possible emotional and physical effects it had on us. This is something that can effect people many years after the comment/action was projected to them.  This can also be helped and amended by us personally in the community that we come into contact with, but may not necessarily be able to 'fix' completely in the industry.  We lead on to ethnical procedures and that as a practitioner you are understanding that what you are doing is acting ethically correct for the situation. For example a lawyer you will have almost a "tick box" summary to ensure the way you handle your research and data will be ethical. We mentioned that we in our practise sometimes don't necessarily have these kinds of "codes of conduct" and if we do they are there for a label more than actually following them.
Finally we considered that Ethics helps you see/notice what you have been 'taught' to think, and what you have been 'taught' to expect from others. Sometimes this can not be ethnically correct. we mentioned an example of this in a way how the performing arts industry can be, cut throat and some people will do anything to get to the top meaning they don't think of the ethnics of what they are doing to physically get there.

In summary we mentioned and discussed that;

Ethics is a "sub-set" of critical thinking practises. 
Ethical procedures are things you can put into place to be aware of one's own privilege.
Ethical procedures can start to feel like tick box activity but they come from ethical considerations.
Reflecting on ones practice: looking at where you have made ethical procedure decisions such as 'I am not doing that/ or saying that because I know how much of a negative feeling I got when a teacher say it to me.

I am excited to see where my understanding of ethics continue to expand as I continue to research and understand more in the later modules and that in time to come I can look back and have a greater and wider understand of the idea of professional practise.

please feel welcome to comment your thoughts of the discussion plus if you think the same.


  1. Hey Hannah. It was great to read what you took from yesterday's talk, and I could definately relate to much of what you said regarding your industry experiences. I suppose experiencing the personal effects of industry happenings over the years, then impacts on our practice today. EIther in wanting it to be different, or by repeating parts we ethically consider as 'correct'. But as you said, sadly we don't have the power to change the world! But sticking to what we value is surely a good start :-). Keep on going, things will get clearer as you work through the module- I'm still telling myself to trust the process and just go with the uncertainty! Though I definitely need a glass of wine once I have finally submitted all my work..... haha. Here is a link to my post:

  2. Hi Hannah,
    This blog post is really interesting as you talk about how things that happen which are ethically questionable can affect us in years to follow. This then has an impact on how we work. I've definitely had things happen in the past and I've made the active decision to never act the same way to my students. This course has really opened my mind to how its all connected. I was on the 9pm skype call and blogged about it here:
    Feel free to have a look
    Thank you


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