LOCKDOWN - Thoughs and Feelings


After receiving my first grade for Module one, (which I am over the moon with.) I thought I would just do a little update on everything that's going on at the moment.

It has been a whirlwind of emotions the last few months. With being in the creative industry at this particular time and Covid19 still a massive pandemic, my life has changes drastically to what I thought 2020 would be. With my dancing I was luckily enough to have basically a whole year of work lined up going into February of 2021. I now find myself working in my local supermarket, not what I want to be doing even though I am massively grateful for the work at such a difficulty time. 

I am massive believer of "everything happens for a reason" and even though it has been very hard at times, I find that telling myself the positives of being at home has helped me with not only my mental health but my understanding of what is going on. Something that might help other people too?

One of the positives was this course! It has kept my mind focused and creative while I am unable to do so in my current supermarket job. Plus allowed me to help understand myself as a working professional and why I work, do, feel and teach the way I do when I was able to dance full time. Even though it is still early in the course with two more modules to go before completion. I have found that I am already more conscious of my actions when I address my industry. During lockdown I was able to do an Instagram takeover for the day for my old college, where I completed my BTEC in dance in 2013-2015. Here I had the chance to talk to the next generation of performers and give them advice on what to do during lockdown, post lockdown as well as advice for vocational school auditions and anything thing else they asked. It is something that's opened up my mind on possibly making my blog slightly more open to people other than those just on my course. I really enjoyed this and would love to be able to do this in the future. I do feel like the course gave me the confidence to be able to speak more and have a better understanding of what I was saying, giving me the confidence I needed for the takeover.

Another positive is networking. Obviously being a freelancer we are always busy working. I find that when I am away on a job for a longer amount of time I do loose the motivation to network, due to being in a semi stable job with a regular income for a good few months, (something I do need to work on.) However during lockdown I have managed to update my showreel and send it to new potential clients and also do the research to get new headshots and portfolio photos done for when lockdown is over. I hope that this will help me gain performance jobs again as soon as I am able too and it is safe to work.

The last main positive is family time. It is something that is rare and valuable when you are a travelling performer. We can be away for years at a time going for contract to contract with a matter of days or sometimes weeks between jobs. It has given myself and my family time to get to know each other again. Being away from home for 3 years with around 4 months at home, I grew massively and I really have become an adult, since I was only 20 when I flew to my first job. It has been amazing to have time at home and really connect with them and letting them really see the person and dancer I have become.

These three points have really helped me get through the months of not being able to perform and even though I am not where I want to be at the moment. I have come to the realisation that it is ok!!! It is out of our control and to feel lost is completely normal as we are being deprived of such a massive part of our livelihood. I can not stress this enough for anyone reading this!!!!

Lastly I just want to add my social media for anyone who feels like they want to chat as its something that always helps no matter how silly you think it is.


stay safe x


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