Academic writing


After attending yesterday’s Skype with Peter. I learnt a lot of useful techniques and resources to use for my academic writing. 

The key part I have found while doing the BAPP course is, organising, I can find all the information, quotes, principles, books and so on, about the topic. However I find that then getting all my information structuring it into correct sections and where it all needs to go, what is important and what could be left out is the hard part to do. 

Peter talked about a few tips. The first, which is what I’m going to attempt to use while writing my literature review and possibly also my proposal too is... writing backwards. By this he meant starting from the exact point I want to talk about. So for me this will be along the lines of “creative and performing arts for children with ASD.” After this I will then look at what I have to broaden the topic of discussion, question myself with what can be linked with it and work backwards, that way I will finally get to my first paragraph which could be something as vague as performing arts or education. However after this I will start writing and re-writing, moving around discussion points, and others topics will occur but this way it gives me a way to start my journey of organising all my research attained. 


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