Seeing my self-practice - skype 28/09/20

I joined in on this Module 1 skype discussion. Since having a widened practice now. I thought it would be good to do a few skypes to look at module 1 with an open mind to my practice now. 

I have already talked about my practice now in a previous blog. 

In this skype I found we talked mainly about web 2.0 and I found myself thinking of it from a teachers point of view instead of a performer automictically. Topics mentioned where social media, before I thought of it purely from a selfish point, where it benefited me, how amazing it was for me to expand my platform. Now I thought back to the documentary I watched "The Social Dilemma" (also wrote a blog about) about how bad it is for children and what they are exposed to now. This starts to link in with the ethics behind it; Should children be able to access this, is it worth the mental health of them, plus more questions. However it isn't all bad and can be used for a platform for performers, helping them feel connected as a whole, being a part of a community even with the pandemic going on. It also opened up  chance for us to take classes from all round the world with choreographer that we normally would never has gotten.
We also mentioned a movie on BBC called Hollywood, I plan on watching, which is about the ethics behind performing. While thinking of this I wanted to find another documentary that showed it more from my current main practice and found this documentary - 
In the documentary it talks about different kinds of arts with autism and the ethics behind it and how the arts help them.


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