
Showing posts from October, 2020

Academic writing

  After attending yesterday’s Skype with Peter. I learnt a lot of useful techniques and resources to use for my academic writing.  The key part I have found while doing the BAPP course is, organising, I can find all the information, quotes, principles, books and so on, about the topic. However I find that then getting all my information structuring it into correct sections and where it all needs to go, what is important and what could be left out is the hard part to do.  Peter talked about a few tips. The first, which is what I’m going to attempt to use while writing my literature review and possibly also my proposal too is... writing backwards. By this he meant starting from the exact point I want to talk about. So for me this will be along the lines of “creative and performing arts for children with ASD.” After this I will then look at what I have to broaden the topic of discussion, question myself with what can be linked with it and work backwards, that way I will finally get to my

Seeing my self-practice - skype 28/09/20

I joined in on this Module 1 skype discussion. Since having a widened practice now. I thought it would be good to do a few skypes to look at module 1 with an open mind to my practice now.  I have already talked about my practice now in a previous blog.  In this skype I found we talked mainly about web 2.0 and I found myself thinking of it from a teachers point of view instead of a performer automictically. Topics mentioned where social media, before I thought of it purely from a selfish point, where it benefited me, how amazing it was for me to expand my platform. Now I thought back to the documentary I watched "The Social Dilemma" (also wrote a blog about) about how bad it is for children and what they are exposed to now. This starts to link in with the ethics behind it; Should children be able to access this, is it worth the mental health of them, plus more questions. However it isn't all bad and can be used for a platform for performers, helping them feel connected as

Researching for research - 25/09/20 skype

The main topic discussed on Fridays skype call was "what is research?" it brought a lot of questions to ourselves including;  different kinds of research, are we researching correctly, looking at it differently, do we gain knowledge and research just by being in our practice, do we gain by repetition? I wanted to start at looking expanding my techniques of researching, so used the most common way of doing this. The readily available use of the internet. (the first and most obvious technique.) By researching through the internet we can find a lot of information about what we want find out specifically. I found that this leads us to be biased on what we are research in some cases. As we have to search exactly what we want to find to get it. Research from experience. I find the best way for me to gain knowledge and understanding being a very practical person. Is by doing it. Being in practice, asking questions to more experienced practitioners and learning from mistakes. By doin